Camden County Board Of Education

Board of education meetings.
Camden county board of education. The mandatory face covering requirement will be in effect for all students staff and visitors. The camden county office of education serves as the local field office and representative for the new jersey department of education. Board members and terms are listed on the board members page. Camden county is home to approximately 511 000 residents of which approximately 76 000 are students that attend one of the 36 school districts with school buildings two non operating school districts hi nella and chesilhurst one educational services.
Camden county board of education salaries. Number of employees at camden county board of education in year 2018 was 1600. Board members represent the entire county due to the at large election process. The camden county board of education has five elected members that serve four year terms.
The georgia department of education camden county schools board of education and camden county schools system steering committee are all in agreement with this new protocol as a necessary means to slow the spread of covid 19 in our community. Average annual salary was 33 472 and median salary was 24 356.