California Water Treatment License Renewal

Plus receive a bonus 16 free contact hours recognized by california for your license renewal.
California water treatment license renewal. Once your license has been renewed we will mail your license to you within 4 to 5 weeks. The course content is changed every three years and is meant to ensure that all operators are kept up to date on emerging issues within. The fee varies with the level of certification. The mission of the state water resources control board state water board is to preserve enhance and restore the quality of california s water resources and drinking water for the protection of the environment public health and all beneficial uses and to ensure proper water resource allocation and efficient use for the benefit of present and future generations.
Optional online certification exam offered on last day of all certification classes advance registration is required note. Exams are given twice yearly for treatment may and november. This course is coordinated by the walkerton clean water centre wcwc and is available in two formats. A discounted renewal fee is available to operators who hold two or more state water board certifications in drinking water treatment drinking water distribution or wastewater treatment.
If you only have one certification please pay the amount listed under single certification renewal fee for your grade level. Pass your california t2 water treatment operator certification exam the first time with our guaranteed exam prep system. Full payment or a purchase order number is required at least five business days prior to class. Additionally every drinking water operator must complete the mandatory certificate renewal course within each renewal period.
Water treatment operators employed by community or nontransient noncommunity water systems. In 1971 laws and regulations governing the certification of potable water treatment facility operation were enacted.