California Retail Food Code 2020 Pdf

California retail food code effective january 1 2020 chapter 10 6.
California retail food code 2020 pdf. Food safety illness prevention and honest presentation the purpose of this part is to safeguard public health and provide to. Washington state retail food code available in pdf. These provisions shall be known and may be cited as the california retail food code hereafter referred to as this part 113703. 8 food retail and foodservices code 2003 amended june 2020 1 0 purpose and definitions 1 1 introduction the food retail and foodservices code code is incorporated by reference in the food regulation regulation ar 31 2006.
California retail food code effective january 1 2020 4 chapter 1. California retail food code. A 1 except as specified in subdivision b a limited service charitable feeding operation shall not provide food service unless it has registered with the local enforcement agency in a. July 1 2007 was the implementation date for the new retail food law for.
Limited service charitable feeding operation 114333. California retail food code these provisions shall be known and may be cited as the california retail food code hereafter referred to as this part 113703. It is modeled after the fda food code which is based on the most current scientific knowledge of safe retail food handling practices. The code is not meant to be a standalone document but.
California retail food code cal code.