Boone Electric Cooperative Magazine

Boone electric cooperative bec has sent two crews to help with rebuilding efforts in deridder louisiana following hurricane laura s destructive arrival.
Boone electric cooperative magazine. Indiana connection a monthly magazine published especially for indiana s electric cooperative members is one way the remc informs and educates its members. Communications specialist at boone electric cooperative columbia missouri area 500 connections. I was in broadcast news for 17 years. What did you do before joining boone electric.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Boone electric community trust operation round up youth leadership scholarships touchstone energy night at the ballgame theater energy in today s classroom bec event calendar revolving loan fund green tree partnership christmas tree recycling. Among those principles is one stressing education training and information. Boone electric s community solar program begins offering customers solar.
Co op employee since 2017. What do you like most about your job at. As a cooperative boone remc follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Boone electric and the city of columbia sign a territory agreement stipulating how much of the columbia area would be served by the co op.
The crews consisting of 10 lineman. I was an anchor reporter and tv host in columbia missouri corpus christi texas and kansas city missouri. Rural missouri was started in 1948 as the statewide publication of the association of missouri electric cooperatives. Each month rural missouri brings entertaining features and informative articles to more than 500 000 members of missouri s electric co ops.